Monday, June 6, 2011

Prairieland Dairy

I had the pleasure of chaperoning the 2nd grade field trip to Prairieland Dairy. I must say it was REALLY fun and REALLY interesting learning about the milking process. I was most shocked to find out that the cows can be milked early in the morning and make it to the actual grocery store shelf by that same afternoon! Crazy! I know that makes me want to buy their milk knowing how much fresher it is and how much quicker it makes its way to the shelves Just wish it was on sale more often :) On the other hand, the most disgusting part of the trip was when the kids were petting the baby calf and allowed to calf to suck on their fingers. Super cute until they pull their hands out of its mouth and then I about upchucked right then and there. Lets just say cow slobber is not thin and clear like ours but more like the mucous we would blow out of our noses. SICK!!!

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