Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Tooth Debacle

Ok, so on vacation Katelyn had a super loose top middle front tooth. She bangs her face into the head rest of the back seat and knocks out the tooth next to it that wasn't even loose to begin with. Go figure! So what are we left with? This dangling snaggletooth that is hanging there sicking all of us out for several days at the end of our vacation. It kept getting looser and looser and would catch on her lip when she would talk and eat. She would play with it with her tongue. SICK! We tried to pull it but the booger would NOT come out! It finally came out 2 days after we came home. Get this though- it came out while she was eating oatmeal! Can you believe that? Anyway, the pics below don't even begin to show how nasty it was. The before pic was taken before it even got all that loose. The after pic is what she looks like now all toothless!!! Super cute.



P.S. We may have given her a complex calling her snaggletooth for several days. Sorry sweetheart :)

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