Wednesday, March 11, 2009

STOP Class!

Coop's newest thing is when he wants us to stop doing something or to wait for him he says "RED LIGHT!" This totally caught us off guard the other night as Ryan was heading out waiting for cooper to get his coat on. He's been saying it ever since.

Another favorite word of his is "ACTUALLY" Around our house you'll hear him say actually at least 4 to 5 times a day.

The last of Coopers latest quirks is claiming that he has a stomach ache for everything. His latest statements include:

"I can't eat, my stomach hurts"
"My stomach hurts, I can't go to sleep"
"I can't take a bath, my tummy hurts"
"My tummy hurts so I can't comb my hair"
"I spilt my juice because my tummy hurts"
and my favorite "I'm smiling because my tummy hurts" (with a little smirk on his face)
I can already foresee the day is coming where he tells me his stomach hurts, I tell him to quit fibbing and he proceeds to barf all over my feet. I'll let you know when that day arrives.

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