Wednesday, March 19, 2008

IV Therapy :(

Well, this has started off a crazy week for sure. Katelyn went to the sitter Tuesday morning and Gina called Ryan a couple hours later to tell us that Katelyn was throwing up. For those of you that know Katelyn's history she tends to dehydrate very quickly and has been hospitalized a couple of times for it. Needless to say, after vomiting 8 times before 4pm I decided to call the pediatrician. They told me to bring her in right away. I took her to the office, they checked her for strep because her throat was sore and they started an IV. Her strep came back negative (the rapid one anyway) and the culture results are pending. About an hour and a 1/2 Liter of fluids later she was taking gatorade without vomiting and got to go home. She did awesome opening her mouth right up for the strep swab and watching them dig for her IV without even crying. No more vomiting since thank goodness. Katelyn now enjoys talking about the whole day. She told Daddy tonight all about it saying that she was so brave and that she got a shot in her hand. She called it her "Drinker" which was hilarious. I don't know where she got that from. She then told him she got "Special Water" in her arm so that she will never get sick again. Hopefully Cooper will not get sick. He was congested and coughing at bedtime tonight so I'm a little nervous about what the morning will bring. Cooper said something pretty funny today too. He reached down between his bed and the wall today and pulled out a toy magnifying glass. He looked at me smiling big and said "Mommy look, I found my detective!" It was adorable and cracked me up. I will try to post pictures later this week. Have a great Easter (I'll be working, bummer)!

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