Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer T-Ball

Huge apologies for the MAJOR delays in posting on my end. My cat chewed through my laptop cord and I was without my laptop for a couple of weeks and things got way behind! Anywho I am going to attempt to play some SERIOUS catch up. I will keep things short and sweet or at least try to not bore you with details but post lost of albums b/c we all know that the pics are the BEST!!! Katelyn played tball this summer for 6 weeks and LOVED it! It was her first year and we were shocked at how much the girls progressed throughout the six weeks. The 1st couple of weeks they had no clue what they were doing but we were amazed at how quickly they picked up on the game and the rules. Their minds are so moldable at this age!!! Is that a word? Moldable? My spell check says no- but I say YES! Whatever :) Katelyn enjoyed pitcher, 1st base, and catcher the most and was EXTREMELY vocal with her coach about wanting to play these positions while Dad and Mom sat on the sidelines biting our nails waiting for her to get clogged in the face with a bat or ball! YIKES! Nerve racking.

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