In all seriousness, I just wanted to take a minute to tell all of my friends and family who also happen to be Mothers, "WE ROCK!" I could go on and on about how blessed we are to have our children (which we most definitely are), but I'd much rather say, mother to mother, that they are so blessed to have us :) When I think about the things that we endure as Moms and the sacrifices that we ALL make I have to say "I AMAZE MYSELF!" Go ahead, and admit it. YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!! I am not trying to be self indulgent here but just 100% honest with myself. I just wish that on those mornings when I am sitting at home with my kids and they are driving me insane, that I could appreciate myself more and stop criticizing myself for every parenting flaw that I have. I don't know about all of you, but isn't it easier for us to put ourselves down as parents on a regular basis then to take a step back and realize that we are MAGNIFICENT women?! I have decided that this is the one day of the year when I am going to try my hardest to appreciate myself as much as my kids appreciate me :) Have a FANTASTIC Mother's Day!
amen sister!
You go, girl! It's about time you take some time for yourself and RELAX! You are a great mom and kids don't come with instructions so don't be so hard on yourself. I have to say that God knew what He was doing when he made women as mothers. Thank goodness, men don't have to do it! Happy Mother's Day to you and all the moms out there! Love, Mom
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