Monday, June 6, 2011

This kid loves his spaghetti!!

Spaghetti face...


awwww Easter! My favorite holiday of the year. This year was great. The Sat. before Ryans parents came over to dye eggs and do an easter egg hunt. They brought lots of goodies for the kids. On Easter Sunday we went to church and then had my side of the family over to celebrate Jesus and also to have a birthday part for my niece and nephew (Blake and Jasmine). And I got some snuggle time with Libby which is always a joy.


The kids have been taking gymnastics classes at Jim Unger gymnastics school for several months now. The LOVE it! These pics were taken at parent observation night. We are very impressed with the progress they have made and just enjoy watching them have so much fun.

Micro soccer

Cooper played micro soccer for the first time this spring. His team name was Arsenal. As you can tell in the pics he just kind of goes with it on his own accord. Cool as a cucumber with his hands in his pockets. He tends to not stretch with the rest of the group but once they start kicking the ball around he gets a bit more in to it. He did score a goal this season (which was 1 of 2 goals scored all season). He says he wants to play again in the fall so we will see.

Father Daughter Date night

April 15, 2011

Katelyn and Daddy attended our church's father daughter date night. The evening consisted of a luau catered by Texas Roadhouse (made me want to be Daddy) followed by a movie. They were supposed to go out mini golfing but the weather did not cooperate :( Cooper and I had our own date night and went swimming. We had fun too!

Introducing Libby May Huwaldt...

born on April 14th, 2011. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new baby niece and welcome her with open arms into our family!

Prairieland Dairy

I had the pleasure of chaperoning the 2nd grade field trip to Prairieland Dairy. I must say it was REALLY fun and REALLY interesting learning about the milking process. I was most shocked to find out that the cows can be milked early in the morning and make it to the actual grocery store shelf by that same afternoon! Crazy! I know that makes me want to buy their milk knowing how much fresher it is and how much quicker it makes its way to the shelves Just wish it was on sale more often :) On the other hand, the most disgusting part of the trip was when the kids were petting the baby calf and allowed to calf to suck on their fingers. Super cute until they pull their hands out of its mouth and then I about upchucked right then and there. Lets just say cow slobber is not thin and clear like ours but more like the mucous we would blow out of our noses. SICK!!!

Rapunzel, Rapunzel...

...let down your hair. During Lutheran schools week the 2nd graders had a day were they got to dress up as princes and princesses. Katelyn chose Rapunzel (since we had recently seen the movie which she LOVES) so we made her a fun wig to wear along with her trusty frying pan to keep those pesky princes away.

Sick boy

Back in February our little man was hospitalized once again for severe vomiting and dehydration. As you may remember this just happened to him right after Christmas so we were shocked to find ourselves in this position again. He was a trooper though and handled it really well. He only had to stay one night and was good as new. I think he definitely has a way of charming the nurses' pants off!

Libbys baby shower

I threw a baby shower for my sister and her baby girl and I think it turned out pretty nice. We all had a ton of fun. Our games consisted of sniffing baby food jars and naming the mushed up candy bar mashed poopy diapers. Thanks to all of our friends and family that came and for those that couldn't make it you were missed.