Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sick kitty

The kids were pretending that Mali was sick and were strolling her to the "vet's office" they had set up in the living room. She is such a tolerant cat (thank goodness) or she would have already scratched out my childrens eyeballs by now :)

Loungin' Around on these blustery days

Live Nativity

We took the kids this year along with their cousins to the indoor nativity at one of the local churches as part of Christmas on 84th Street. We were amazed at how much work is put into the nativity scene by the church's members. They had an entire set up of Bethlehem and the manger scene. We definitely plan on making this a yearly tradition.

1st Grade Christmas Party

So, here's the first of many "catch-up" posts! These are a few pics from Katelyn's party at school that I helped plan as room mom. The kids had a great time playing games and making edible Christmas trees out of ice cream cones.