So, today we went to eat at McDonalds with some friends from my MOPS group. The kids ate a few bites and were off to play in the playland. It was so nice to sit and chat for a few minutes with friends while the kids played carefree. I looked away for about a fraction of a second and turned back around to see my son standing in the middle of the room, pants around his ankles, knees bent, in full squatting position with quite the perplexed look on his face. I jumped out of my seat and scooped him up running to the bathroom, but it was too late. Poop everywhere smeared down his legs, on the toilet seat, the floor, etc. Not a good thing when apparently McDonalds is looking out for the environment and has decided paper towels aren't necessary in the bathroom. Those fancy blowdryers work great for drying your hands but not so great for caked on poo. Luckily I was able to borrow some wipes from one of the other mommies and had extra underwear and pants in the car which another friend went to grab. I've never been so thankful to have friends present with me at a restaurant. Had they not been there the ENTIRE restaurant would have seen my son in his naked glory from the waist down. Despite this minor setback Cooper has been successfully potty trained and is now wearing underwear full time. He even stays dry at night on occasion. Potty training was a loooonnnggg road with this child and it seems that overnight his entire thought process changed and he just decided he was ready to cooperate. YAY Cooper. I guess a couple weeks of no poopy accidents and a handful of wet ones is a HUGE leap from where we were a few weeks ago and I will therefore have to forgive todays McDonalds mishap. After all, doesn't McDonalds make all of us run to the bathroom now and then??