Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Messiah Operetta

Saturday night was Katelyn's school operetta. They put one on annually. This year's operetta was about "Living inside out in an upside down world." Her preschool class sang "Jesus is a friend of mine." They were so cute! We went out for ice cream afterwards and then my sister and her kids spent the night. Sunday was Mother's Day so we decided to take all of the kids up to the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo. I wish I could share pictures from our day at the zoo but my stinkin camera battery was dead. The weather was perfect and we all had a great time. It was fun seeing Cooper react to the animals since he was too small last time we went to really understand what was going on. He loved the aquarium and the big black Cougar which he called "big Halle." I also got to see my first IMAX film which was pretty neat too. The kids gave me some cute homemade cards and a potted plant in a handpainted bucket. Ryan is working on making me a CD of my American Idol favorites which I can't wait to listen to. All in all it was a fantastic Mother's Day!

Mothers Day_Operetta

Playing with Carter

We had fun the other day playing with our friend Carter. I was babysitting so that Lisa could grocery shop a little easier. The kids were excited to have him over and he seemed to be having a good time.

Carter Playtime

Storm door installation

Another big project for us lately has been putting in a new storm door. As much of a pain as it was we are loving it. Its nice to have the front door open and the kids love to look out (as well as the animals).

Storm Door


The kids are having a ball playing outside and riding their bikes. The problem is that they never want to play inside and I have a hard time getting anything done. They always want to be at the park or on a walk.

April 08 playtime

May Playtime

Landscaping fun

Part of the reason I haven't posted in so long is because we have been busy working on projects around the house. One of those projects has been re-landscaping the front yard. This consisted of a lot of weed pulling, digging, and mulching. The kids enjoyed being able to play outside and Mocha had fun running around the yard as well.


Club Kicks Performance

April 18th Katelyn had a dance performance at the Early Childhood fair at the State Fairgrounds. She had missed practice a couple of weeks in a row so I was nervous that she would just stand there and not do her dances and cheers. Much to my surprise she did FANTASTIC. She was one of the loudest kids there shouting her Cheers out to everyone. I was so proud. Unfortunately Ryan had to miss it because Cooper wasn't feeling well that day :(

Club Kicks Performance

Long Overdue Posting!

It has been forever since I last posted so I figured it was high time that I updated everyone. On March 30th we went to the preschool carnival at Messiah. Katelyn's teachers throw it each year. Katelyn and Cooper both had a blast playing games and winning prizes. Here is the album of picture from the carnival:

Messiah PreSchCarnival